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The Magic Sled
Podcast storytelling is back in 2021! Join us for the Storefront Storybook experience, a walking tour of the book “The Magic Sled” by Anderson artist Scott Foster.
Pages of the book are posted along Main Street, and the book comes to life in a read-along podcast by Market Theatre. Take a spin at Holiday Ice in Carolina Wren Park and then delight in the story “The Magic Sled”!
This unique event is presented by the City of Anderson in partnership with the Anderson County Library System, with a dramatic podcast by Market Theatre.
“The Magic Sled” is the second in a series. Last year’s Storefront Storybook featured book 1, “The Magic Snowflake”. You can listen to last year’s podcast at the bottom of this page.
The Storefront Storybook experience begins December 3, and will be available 24/7 through the end of the year.
Page Map
About the Author
Growing up in Michigan as a child, with snow at least a foot deep covering the ground and festive lights hung on every home in our neighborhood, Christmas was always a magical time for me. Hours of sledding in the deep snow were followed by steaming cups of hot chocolate. The warmth of the fire in our stone fireplace quickly removed the chill I felt. I often took long hikes in the snowy woods behind our home. Here the stillness of the snowy landscape proved to be a perfect environment for my overactive imagination. I would often wonder what it would be like to discover an object, a magical object here in the middle of the woods…hmm, what if?
Scott Foster, author
This book was inspired by those many years of magical white Christmases.
I hope you enjoy this, my second children’s book, The Magic Sled.
Book 2: The Magic Sled
Pages will be posted throughout Downtown Anderson beginning the evening of December 3! Listen, read, and walk as you enjoy the story! Visit the Christmas Tree in courthouse square.
After reading page 8 at the anderson arts center, cross the street to kitchen emporium for page 8.
After reading page 20 at City Hall, cross the street to Bark for page 21.
Looking for Book 1 The Magic Snowflake?
The book pages are no longer posted throughout Downtown Anderson, but you can still listen along. The book can be purchased at many small businesses throughout Anderson, or you can contact Scott Foster for information on purchasing.